On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:51:19PM +0200 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Liese thought:
> > > What I do in private cannot reasonably be held as harassment by anyone: by
> >definition, they aren't involved. If anyone is offended by the contents of
> >my PC, the only person liable for anything is that person: they are
> >criminally liable for unauthorised access to my data.
> I don't agree with this. When there is a problem with a computer, it is my
> job to fix it. Which means finding out what the problem is. If, at that
> time, i get exposed to porn-related material this offends me. It is
> belittleing (right word?) to me as a woman, it is rude and is it obscene.
> But my access is not unauthorised.
Or if I'm working in the same office and offensive material is on display
on someone else's PC, I'm not involved in any "unauthorised access" but I
could be the object of harassment dur to the display of such material.
Conor (Who harasses the NT admin by hanging up Tux and userfriendly.org posters :-)
Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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