On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 10:24:40AM +0100 or thereabouts, Conor Daly wrote:
> The thing that gets me with rpm is the way I cannot query an uninstalled
> package to see what's there...

> isn't installed, do an rpm -ql package- and I get back 
> "pagkage is not installed"  I KNOW it's not installed, that's why I'm 
> trying to look inside for the proggie I need.  

rpm -qlp /mnt/cdrom/whatever/.../package- 

the rpm -q[il]p combination is very useful. 

rpm --help | more
   -q, --query             - query mode
      Package specification options:
        -a, --all          - query all packages
        -f <file>+         - query package owning <file>
        -p <packagefile>+  - query (uninstalled) package <packagefile>
        --triggeredby <pkg> - query packages triggered by <pkg>
        --whatprovides <cap> - query packages which provide <cap> capability
        --whatrequires <cap> - query packages which require <cap> capability

There is also some package on powertools which you can install which
has all the data so you can do it without the p or something. I always
forget its name and have never used it so I don't know how useful it


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