Heya --

> I was wondering if this is an attempt at break in or just a scan? 
> This person has run this on two separate occasions.  Looks like they
> are trying to do something to an NT server.  Doesn't do them much
> on a Linux box;)
> oz:/var/log# grep /scripts/ httpd/*
> httpd/access_log: - - [23/May/2001:22:46:40 -0400]
> "GET
HTTP/1.0" 404 328

     It is an attempt at a break-in; that's the footprint from one of
the IIS vulnerabilities.  Obviously this is a script kiddie and not a
skilled hacker/cracker/insert preferred terminology here -- any
non-script kiddie would have tried to footprint the box first to
determine its OS.

     You can get more info about this hole in IIS at
if you are interested.


"Passion, hunger, will, and ice cream create their own world
 in which the word 'after' simply doesn't make any sense.
 Ice cream is now."
 -- Starhawk, "The Twelve Wild Swans"

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