Tell me I am crazy, but I have been thinking of this idea for several weeks.
A new way to stream audio on the web.  Work's like this:

1)The master machine take's the input of the music, it would have to be a file
based format, translating a line input would be hard at first.
2)The master server breaks the file into multiple frequency's and notes.  It
analyzes the music for repeats of sounds and extracts the unique sounds.
3)It create's a pattern for those sounds and notes.
4)Sends the pattern to the client, then the unique sound's for the smart
client on the other end to piece back together.

The server's would be beefed up Linux boxes and of course you would have to
have a beefy client on the other end.  I estimate the feed's would be about
5 minutes behind the actual time of the feed.



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