On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 12:42:55AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a problem with Star Office 5.2 on RedHat 7.1.
> Star Office is being installed with the /net option on a local
> harddisk. The user's homes get mounted from an HP server via NFS.
> (...)
> I've also been told that there are problems with the NFS server that
> can cause these errors to happen. I was able to exclude this 
> possibility because the server machine is the same as for our RedHat
> 6.2 machines on which Star Office works perfectly.

this doesn't necessarily rule out potential NFS problems, which could
result from incompatible NFS versions trying to interact (e.g. what if
RH 7.1 tries to negotiate a more recent NFS version than RH 6.2?).
I've seen weird things happen here, especially with HP-UX 10.20 in
combination with Linux or IRIX. Particularly nasty, when things
generally seem to work, and only fail occasionally! I know these vague
hints won't help you directly, but I just wanted to note this, so you
don't give up too early on that track.

Maybe it's worth setting up a local user on the RH box (just for testing
purposes) to see if the problem persists...

> When a user who has
> already been using Star Office on RedHat 6.2 moves to 7.1 with the
> configuration files in place Star Office also works on RedHat 7.1.

are there any noticable differences between the set of working and the
broken config files. I guess they're mostly binary trash, but maybe
there's something obvious like significantly different sizes, zero-size
files, non-existent files, etc.?

> I really would appreciate any help. Has anyone knowledge of the
> details of the configuration files Star Office writes to a user's home
> directory?

not really, sorry. At least not I ;)
To be honest, I'm not using that beast...

In situations like these, when I'm really desperate, I usually just
cut 'n paste parts of error messages I get into google... Surprisingly
often, I do get something useful -- but maybe you've tried that already.

> I really don't want to have to tell our
> users to boot Win2K and use MS Office when we upgrade to RedHat 7.1 in
> the next couple of days :-(

I really understand your worries, but I'm afraid I can only wish you
all the best to succeed in preventing these state of affairs from
taking place ;)

- Almut

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