Hmmm, odd. You can also check the ssl_engine_log, if you have one. This
Openssl with mod_ssl, of course. If you have it, see what it says.
At 09:43 AM 5/21/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>On Monday 21 May 2001 09:29 am, Naomi Hospodarsky wrote:
> > hey Michelle,
> > I just went through this process myself with Redhat.
> > Check your error_log, and it should give more information
> > as to why the daemon isn't starting...then we can work from there.
>I wish - problem is, the error.log file is empty! (I'm looking at the error
>log file that is referred to in httpd.conf - which I hadn't set up yet - it's
>the default - could it have put the error somewhere else?)
>Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
>Norwottuck Technology Resources
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