On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 04:16:45PM -0700 or thereabouts, Joseph Barney wrote:
> This is such a newbie question but here goes.  Someone
> in the IRC channel #linuxhelp on undernet told me
> about a patch  I should get for IRC security (kernek
> patch) and I'm wondering which kernel needs to be
> upgraded for that.  The server is running Caldera 2.4
> and kernel 2.2.14.  The client is running Mandrake 8

I believe there were problems with a recent 2.2 kernel. 
I think it was up to and including 2.2.16 but I'm sure
someone else here will know for sure . There are release 
notes for the 2.2 series which include security notes at 
http://www.linux.org.uk/ linked from the front page. 

> with the 2.4.3-20mk kernel.  I've got rc.firewall
> running on Caldera and the built in Bastille firewall
> running on Mandrake.  Is it preventing me from
> uploading via DCC in irc because I have two firewalls?

Again, someone else will know for sure, but I think the 
reason I can't use dcc behind our firewall is that it 
blocks UDP packets, and dcc uses UDP. Can you use tools
like the instant messenger programs? (which also use UDP,
I gather?)

>  I'm afraid of turning off my client firewall for fear
> the firewall I set up on Caldera isn't very good. 
> Thanks!

I'm a bit confused. You started by mentioning IRC and
the subject specifically mentions that. Are you talking 
about an IRC server (and one which you are running?) and 
client, or merely two machines at home, one of which is a 
server and so on? 


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