I like doing a stripped down Debian install (no packages selected in the
installer) and then just apt-getting what I need.  I think a basic Deb
install takes 30-50 megs.

- Kath

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Techtalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 7:55 AM
Subject: [techtalk] My bad NT day

> So, yesterday was not a good NT day for me.  First off, the server that I
> develop on at work had Service Pack #2 installed on it Thursday.  Friday
> morning and IIS and SQL Server stopped working.  The machine can browse
> the web and that is about it.  Can not see other machines in the network
> and is basically a glorified web browser at the moment.
> I also have a Win 2K machine at home doing Internet Connection Sharing on
> my 56k modem.  I come home to find it hacked into.  This machine is also
> running SP2 and all the MS security and hot fixes that apply.  I run IIS
> on it for fun and the modem to share internet, that is it.  They managed
> to break into the machine and do some damage.  It is now in total safe
> mode-powered off.
> I set up Linux to do my internet connection sharing for now.  Does anyone
> have experience using OpenBSD as a firewall?  Or even, securing up a
> decent Linux box to share a modem connection and do firewall chores.
> Thanks,
> -sap
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