Hi, Keith,

> Working on the basis that there really aren't any stupid questions, here
> I go again...

I don't agree that there are no stupid questions.  Still... I don't see you 
asking any :)
> From the earlier queries on installing my copy of Caldera Open Linux
> eDesktop 2.4, putting the whole package on a separate drive seems the way
> to go.  One drive for Window$98 and one for Linux.

That is certainly the best way to insure that WIndows stays intact.
> I have been cautioned to back up all of my data just in case, but why
> could I not unplug the IDE cable to the Win98 HD and do the install on
> the Linux HD?  Would I be opening a can of worms when I plug the cable
> back into the Win98 drive?

Potentially, yes, you are opening a big can of worms.  *IF* you can insure 
that the Linux drive is your primary master drive and *IF* you can insure 
that it stays that way after you plug in the other one, what you suggest is 
an absolutely safe way to install Linux.  Here's the catch that nobody has 
mentioned yet:  when you reboot with the Win98 drive plugged in your machine 
will *not* know about it.  Oh, the BIOS will know it's there, but grub or 
lilo (the thing you'll boot to) won't.  You will then have to manually edit 
your config file, which I've done, but I wouldn't recommend to an absolute 

Caldera's install is designed to handle dual boots cleanly.  Is it 100% fool 
proof?  I doubt it.  I have seen it work, though, and work well.

Good luck!

Caitlyn Máire Martin

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