On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 03:33:56AM -0400 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
coldfire thought:
> quite honestly, that was the answer i was looking for ;P .. i know i'm
> happier than a pig in mud when i have a console at my fingertips.  while
> i'm a windowmaker advocate, that's only when we're talking gui.  i guess
> the console is just closer to my heart.  who knows.
> abe
> On Thu, 17 May 2001, psyche wrote:
> > Bash. :)  Seriously, I usually work in console mode most of the time, and
> > prefer it to X or other GUI's.  When I'm in X, I usually use Gnome for a
> > desktop manager, and the default Sawfish window manager, though I'm not
> > quite happy with Sawfish.  I used to use icewm when I had a 486 because of
> > the low memory requirements.  I've tried out tons of different window
> > managers, but only for brief periods of time.  I've usually either used
> > fvwm or icewm most of the time.  Mostly, of course, I'm in console, using
> > bash....

OK console heads...  I use console (well, xterms) almost exclusively
myself.  The reason I use terms rather than the consoles is I can get more
onto the screen.  Like, an 80x25 char display on a 19" monitor is not the
most efficient use of real estate.  I'm writing this in a 124x47
gnome-terminal and can read all the all of the subject lines in mutt.  So
now, the point of these ramblings...  Can I set the console to 128x50 or
something like that?  Had a look at stty but couldn't find anything
helpful there.



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