hey all, no questions here, just thought I'd mention that last week I took a redhat 
7.1 box, compiled a 2.4 kernel, and installed LVM from www.sistina.com, with the help 
of my manager.  LVM rocks!!!  anyone who has used AIX's logical volume management to 
grow file systems on the fly will appreciate this...anyone who hasn't, will appreciate 
even more. =)  it's based on aix/hp LVM, (thank goodness they didn't base it on 
veritas), it's free and open source, almost up to 1.0 stable (we're successfully using 
0.9 beta), and pretty easy to set up.  Lets you create pools of disks or partitions, 
that you can pull from at will and add to logical volumes and file systems.  You can 
stripe with it or do linear, and it will do serveral file system types including 
reiserfs.  You can't install it out of the box just yet, you have to install your 
system, upgrade the kernel, and apply LVM kernel patches, then put down LVM and set up 
the volume groups and logical volumes. It's also safest to lea!
ve your root partition alone...wait till it's more mature.

anyway, i'm just really happy about it, it's sooo nice to just grow a file system 
without having to dd in and out and all that crap.  thought this might be interesting 
to some folks.
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