> > Quoth Coldfire: > > i was just curious what the window manager of >
> choice is on this > > list :) .. i'm a die hard windowmaker fan...
> I'm currently addicted to Gnome - only because on my possessed
> computer only Gnome works with my motherboard's built in sound card.  
> I like to listen to MP3s sometimes when I use Linux and read my email
> and whatnot.  For some reason KDE locks up on me too - but like I said
> - the computer is possessed.

Do keep in mind that neither GNOME nor KDE are window managers. One could
think of them as "desktop environments", a part of which is a window

KDE has had kwm since the beginnning. GNOME's situation is a bit more
complicated, as it has always tried to be "windowmanager-agnostic". In the
early days they had enlightenment as their WM of choice, mainly because
the author, Rasterman, was employed by Red Hat and heavily involved in the
GNOME project.

These days they're using sawfish, i guess because it has a great deal of
control for almost every feature in the window manager. Also it *has* to
be lighter than enlightenment :) However, the GNOME control center has a
panel where you can choose which windowmanager to use. GNOME/windowmaker
systems are not hard to come by, though I believe they look awful :)

        - Roadmaster

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