> On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 04:13:41PM -0500, Daniel Manrique wrote:
> > Do you know for sure that the page itself isn't the problem? if you need
> > data from a complex query to build the page, it might be that the database
> > is suffering. In this case maybe checking what the heck the database is
> > doing would give a clue as to whether optimization is needed in that area.
> I assume the possibility of a browser problem has been ruledout.
> I know web designers who refuse to do much with Netscape anymore because
> it renders nested tables at a rate that can take some minutes against IE's
> (and NS6's) seconds.
personally, i love tables. absolutely love them. i just wish that all
the broswers would have more of a standard when it came to viewing them.
often times, i build tables fairly complex, and opera will show them one
way .. communicator 4.77 another .. netscape 6/6.01 yet another way (all
in linux). then you get to see other ways the code can be interpretted in
the windows versions of opera, netscape 6/6.01, and of course internet
explorer 5.5. oh well hehe
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