On 14 May, To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On  9 May, Mary E. Mulderrig wrote:
>> Hi:
>> It's called the Agenda VR series of PDA's. Try linuxmall. THey have them
>> listed for ? $249.00
> I know this is a little old, but I have an Agenda (and am about to give
> a talk on it to the local LUG (Sydney LUG - http://www.slug.org.au)) and
> it a) doesn't run quake and b) doesn't do hand recognition. I don't
> recognise those as being attributes to any linux-running PDA as most of
> the ones that run VR Linux are at the same stage as the agenda, and the
> others run QTEmbedded.
> If you want any more info, please feel free to email me (or the list!)
> and I can ramble a bit in prep for this talk.
> Note that I'm not employed by Agenda, I just happen to have a developer
> edition :)

Here I am answering my own posts, but I just re-read the previous to
this post on PDAs where Lilly wanted a PDA under $500 with a word
processor on it :)

If you're wondering about the Agenda, it's a nice little machine, but
IMHO they released it to the public way too early. It's still slow for a
business PDA, and although it has many apps & things available for it,
the fact that it runs XWindows means that it's quite slow. As for "word
processor" do you mean a text editor or a fully-fledged MS Word-like
AFAIK there is none available for the Agenda, but you're welcome to port
it! But really, unless you're one for tinkering (like me) you'll
probably either want to wait till it gets better before buying a
"public" edition, or buy the developer edition and do the flash updates.
They're promising it will get better; let's hope it does.
Note that the "developer edition" is much different from the nice splash
screened one on the front page; but it's also only US$179 (I think,
check the page: http://developer.agendacomputing.com ) + shipping (for
me, AU$410ish getting delivered out to Australia :)

Hope this is helpful!



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.

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