> as to the handle 'prettyphysicslady' 'physicslady' was taken.  I had
> as my female professors had encouraged us to do, that we let young women
> know that girls do do physics, science and computers.  Adding 'pretty' was
> way to help dispell the stereotype that only fat, ugly women went into
> science.  I am not sure why professors at the college/university you went
> did not encourage this?  It is done commonly here in the US.

While not a student of the oft-called "hard sciences", I have had my share
of computer, biology and chemistry classes, yet none of my teachers - male
or female - made a point of  encouraging us to make sure girls knew they
could be both pretty and scientific - or even that they could just be
scientific.  Besides, I'm not sure the "fat, ugly" stereotype really exists
that much - according to the mass media, us "fat, ugly" women only hold
generally menial jobs requiring neither much responsibility nor
intelligence.  Female scientists, by contrast, are generally shown to be
brilliant *and* beautiful....  in any event, is there a problem with "fat,
ugly" women thinking they can be scientific, too?

> As for the troll reference I do not understand it? If I do not agree with
you I am a troll?
> Personal attacks weaken your aguments and show others that your point can
not stand on
> its own merits.

"Trolling" has little to do with agreement or disagreement - it unfortunate,
but there are a lot of people who seem to think its fun to go into a group
and be difficult, typically exemplified by raising a question and then
arguing with virtually even answer offered to them or implying that they
know more about the subject than the people whom they asked.


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