On Sunday 13 May 2001 06:41 am, Gina Lanik wrote:
> hiyas,
> On Sat, 12 May 2001 13:39:26 EDT, Michelle Murrain writes:
> [...]
> >But the only way to really make sure your server is secure, sadly, is
> >knowledge.
> hm, I wonder, why "sadly"? I'm having -lots- of fun gaining the
> knowledge =)

I do have lots of fun gaining new knowledge - don't get me wrong. The stress 
(and the "sadly") comes from having others (my clients) depend on me. It's 
one thing if my own personal server gets hacked. It's another thing if a box 
with websites that my clients depend on gets hacked. Yeah, I'm glad for the 
experience, and I'm glad I learned what I did - and I even to some extent 
enjoyed it - but in that sort of situation, it can be damn stressful.

Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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