I have a BrotherTroll. He's proud of the fact that he's a troll. Heck, his CB
handle, when we are out 4wheeling and mudding is Troll.


Telsa Gwynne wrote:

> On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 06:10:22PM -0400 or thereabouts, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > OK.  I never claimed to be a computer "expert", but "trolls" live under
> > bridges in my vocabulary (in childrens books mostly) or I "troll" from
> > the back of the boat with suitable tackle and bait...
> >
> > "Troll" in this recent thread is apparently GeekSpeek of some sort, but
> > for what?
> For geek speak, the canonical reference is the Jargon File:
> http://tuxedo.org/jargon/
> http://tuxedo.org/jargon/html/entry/troll.html
> I first met it in the sense of old-timers making deliberately wrong
> comments and new people falling for it. These days, it's used to mean
> "causing trouble".
> What -really- irritates me is people calling about "trolling Usenet",
> "trolling the channel" (on IRC) when in fact they mean "trawl" and
> mean they're going through a large batch of stuff looking for something
> useful. It's not the same, but people apparently think that troll and
> trawl mean the same thing. Trawling through bug reports, for example.
> Trolling through bug reports would mean something quite different.. :)
> (And I've seen a few trolling bug reports, yes.)
> Telsa
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