Hey All,
  I highly recommend using OpenBSD as your firewall. The current version
is 2.8 with 2.9 slated to come out in June(?). Anyway, it has never had a
remote root exploit, was build and auditied with security in mind, doesn't
take much to run on and ipf (the firewall utility) allows for stateful
firewalling which should be really important to most people.

On Sun, 13 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> James Sutherland wrote:
> > If you're wanting to set up a firewall system between you and the
> > Internet, looking at something like Coyote Linux would be a good idea too:
> > they have a nice simple tarball.
> A sysadmin friend of mine recommends FreeBSD highly as a firewall
> system, as well.
> Apparently it comes with a firewall by default, and everything
> configured off - you configure *ON* the things you want.
> Jenn V.

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