I just wanna know which marketeer came up with the nondescript term "biscuit
jack" for a simple surface-mount phone jack. It doesn't look anything like a
biscuit to me. Sounds rather similar to those "neoprene high energy impact
devices" the US military purchased for a grand each instead of going to the
local hardware store and purchasing a garden variety hammer for five bucks.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wood, Mary
> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 1:28 PM
> Subject: [techtalk] Re; biscuit jack
> Thanks guys!  I wasn't coming up with much on the web myself
> and don't know if I was brain-farting or too involved in other
> work today to put proper effort into surfing.
> I kind of guessed that's what it was, but figured, "Hey!  That's
> what TechTalk is for!"
> Thanks again...
>  - Mary
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