I am thankful I can't imagine why this idiot is on such a paranoid
clueless power trip.

When I was (and I really was - for 8 years) a sysadmin, we educated
our users, and if necessary, ourselves.  In retrospect, I was a most
excellent (assistant)sysadmin.  I wish there were more like me.  Ask
any of my users.

There was at least one quite knowledgible post to the sysadmin's
alleged boss.  I found out when I happened to mention the incident to
a sympathetic worker at TWC (who wasn't there when the incident
happened) whose response was, "So *you're the one!".  Seems the reason
the sysop wanted to remain anonymous was because I intimidated him by
being intelligent and asking questions (the friendly TWC worker's
opinion).  I now know the sysop's name AND the real network
administrator to talk to.  The man whose card I was given is only the
overall office manager - not a system manager.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I refuse to give the sysop
absolute power by cowering before his ignorant demands.  Some of us
still have backbones!  I am proud of mine.  

>if you were in fact a sysadmin, you would understand why this idiot is *on* 
>such a paranoid clueless power trip.  

 .signature: syntax error at line 1: `(' unexpected

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Austin, Tx.  

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