On Wed, 2 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jillian-Beth Stamos-Kaschke wrote:
> > Oh dear. I've just had to install FP extensions on the
> > Web server at work for precisely this reason (it being
> > "easier" for others to use FP when updating their Web pages),
> > but instead of using Microsoft's Apache patch I used one by
> > Christof Pohl which enables the use of suexec.
> Excellent.
> Now if we can only get FrontPage-written web pages to view
> properly on browsers OTHER than IE...
To be fair, they are a LOT better now than they were, I think? Last time I
looked, they were still made out of nested tables and assorted nastiness,
but they rendered far better than the early FrontPage stuff did - and
they've fixed some of the mis-nesting of tags, I think...
> Maybe we should make a version of FP extensions which automatically
> runs HTML-Tidy. :)
And the demoronizer, to fix all those stupid Office "smart" quotes which
show as ?s in proper browsers - and in e-mail sent from MS clients...
(Does HTML-tidy fix that? I've only run it on the Apache project pages so
far, which aren't MS-polluted to begin with!)
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