Hi all,
On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, James Sutherland wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, Karl-Heinz Zimmer wrote:
> >
> > My advise is just one little phrase:
> >
> > Keep track of any changes you are making to the default configuration!
> Absolutely! Ideally, of course, you'd keep all your config files in a CVS
> tree and so be able to track every revision - yeah, right...
> Has anyone here actually tried using something like CVS to track /etc??
I was told sometime that checking in /etc may cause some issues to the
stability of the system. I think, checking in files that do not (or just
rarely) change (like fstab, the local hosts file on a NIS master server,
...), doesn't really make sense.
It's probably a solution to store the files in question in a subdirectory
of /etc like /etc/local, and to check in the files from there.
Chaney :-)
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