On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Neale Green wrote:
> > Could anyone advise me of, and/or point me in the direction of (URL) some
> > preferred Linux distributions for operations on systems with limited
> > resources, please?
> We used Minix on our Atari STs for a while. It's not a Linux, but
> it is a POSIX-Unix system.

In fact, it's the one Linus developed Linux from: he started with Minix,
then added support for the 386 (better scheduling, MM etc), and eventually
ended up with a standalone OS of his own.

In this case, though, I think Minix would be a bit too small: it's a 24Mb
machine with a 200Mb HDD, which is a lot more than Linux requires!

> No idea where to get it these days, unfortunately, but hopefully
> just knowing it exists will help.

I don't have a copy either, but a search on the author's name (Tanenbaum)
might help.


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