On Sunday 29 April 2001 12:49, Sandrine Burriel wrote:
> I'm
> using linux occasionnally (because I'm mostly required to work
> on windows...) but willing to learn. I'm supposed to trade my
> old Mandrake 7.1 this week for a slackware or deb, still not
> sure... If you want to give me some advice, feel free to do so !
My advise is just one little phrase:
Keep track of any changes you are making to the default configuration!
The advantages of writing down any change you are making to your new
Slackware or Debian system are great and I am sure after a short while
you will love that old excercise book (or that little text file being
stored on a different computer).
Linux is GREAT - knowing what the heck you have done is great as well.
Have fun!
Karl-Heinz Zimmer
Senior Software Engineer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
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