I can't think of any instance where straight, or "raw" HTML could effect the server it's running on, you are purely specifying output format and file locations, and the only file operations are "opens", rather than "executes", therefore you shouldn't be able to kick of any illicit operations within the server.
The ONLY chance I can see of it effecting the server, is that opening large images etc could suck memory resources below a critical level, OR a file being opened is somehow coded to execute upon opening, possible on a (hack, spit) Windows machine, but unlikely on a (sweet, wonderful) Linux box.
Hope this is of use,
----- Original Message -----
From: Kath
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 11:59 AM
Subject: [techtalk] Quick HTML/Server Question

Can bad HTML confuse the software running on the server and cause errors?

Having a discussion with someone.
Now I'm talking raw HTML alone, no wild Perl/PHP/ASP/etc scripts.
- Kath

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