
> I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear in my original post.  I loaded
> NOTHING onto the TWC machine.  THe telnet daemon (or whatever M$ calls
> it) was already running.  I merely took advantage of an ALREADY
> INSTALLED PROGRAM in order to read email as part of my job search (an
> activity which has been totally halted by this senseless act. The
> search for public terminals that have telnet require several hours a
> day in bus rides and terminal time is limited to no more than one hour
> a day.)

That part I understood, and agree with you on; the claims this SysAdmin
where making and his anger at your use of telnet was misguided at best,
ignorant at worst.

> Once again - for those with an intelligent understanding of the problem:

This is just rude.  With that sentence you've effectively implied that
anyone who didn't understand the first time or doesn't agree with you
doesn't have "an intelligent understanding of the problem".  I'm not trying
to pick a fight, just pointing this out.

> >>The administrator to which the unnamed machine manager referred me
> >>and to whom complaints about the anonymous clueless one may be sent
> >>(cc: or Bcc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] please) is:
> >>
> >>              Theodore Andrews III, Site Manager
> >>                3401 Webberville Rd, Bldg 1000
> >>                       Austin, Tx 78702
> >>                     (512) 223-5459(voice)
> >>                      (512) 223-5464(fax)
> >>
> >>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>
> >>I appreciate everyone's help.
> >>

And as I said I don't feel this is the forum for launching a flame campaign
on this guy, or anyone for that matter.  The last time I emailed this
opinion, I recieved responses by people who agreed with me.  We don't flame
each other, and I don't think we should en-masse flame people outside the
list.  That kind of thing sets up an "us-against-them" situation, and
LinuxChix has always had a friendly, welcoming, anti-RTFM atmosphere where
pretty much anyone can speak.  Hell, they let me blabber on *GRIN*.

Speaking of blabbering on, time to wrap this one up...


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