Greetings, people!

I'm having fun with my Agenda (a PDA that runs linux) and have been
happily cross-compiling things for it; at the moment I'm playing with an
Infocom games interpreter called zip_linux.
My question isn't so much along specifics as generals in that in
compiling this little beastie, I noticed that it had dynamically linked
against libtermcap. I looked over on my Agenda to note that there was no
libtermcap present, and sure enough, the program kinda carked it on
running. (had an 'ioctl: Success' line, then exited gracefully)
I thought perhaps this problem could be fixed by statically linking the
library during compile time so that it doesn't need it over on the
Agenda (this also because the Agenda, being a PDA, doesn't have a large
amount of space for libraries).

Any thoughts, ideas, etc? Is that the right way to go about it? Am I on
the completely wrong track? :) do I need to get into the bare bones of
this and hack around?



"When impertinent reporters ask if I'm gay, I say, 'I'm mildly cheerful.'"
        - Sir Arthur C. Clarke

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