I didn't see anything in the system log that might help trace the problem.
The first hiccup was a complaint that the file system was not unmounted
cleanly (which seems appropriate considering the file system was reported
'busy' during shutdown) followed by a long list of errors from fsck
complaining about dead inodes, invalid timestamps, etc. This was followed by
a list of missing devices, drivers and modules. Based on the symptoms I've
seen, my gut reaction was a hardware problem and I initially replaced the
NIC since the symptoms were always preceded by a loss of all network
connections. It happens every two to three weeks, but I could never
duplicate it with Redhat Linux 6.1 or Windows 2000.
I'm beginning to suspect it may be something in Redhat Linux 7.0 because we
just lost the email server with a similar crash after updating it a few
weeks ago. I just finished installing Progeny Debian Linux at home so we'll
see if it holds together any better.
> Are you getting any messages in the system log (/var/adm/messages) when
> this occurs? This will help all of us provide a better answer.
> -Melissa
> --
> /*********************************
> /* Melissa Plunkett
> /* System/Network Administrator
> /* College of Education
> /* University of Missouri - Columbia
> /* 111 London Hall
> /* Columbia, MO 65211
> /* Phone: (573) 884-6835
> /* Fax: (573) 884-5158
> *********************************/
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