I used to use storm as my starting point (ie.. use the storm cd to install a basic 
debian then upgrade to real debian :) ... 
it's not that bad.. there is news of bankruptcy... sighs 
if your looking for debian with a pretty installer and more advanced hardware detecion 
and stuff.. I suggest progeny (http://www.progeny.com/). Progeny is a commercial 
Debian distribution founded by the founder of the Debian project.. they offer support 
contracts.. (though I'm more anxious to see how their LinuxNOW project works out 
BTW: if your curious you can see a partial history of my primary desktop system at 
home (http://www.curious.org/sources.list) 
{kind of out of date {NOTE: do NOT mix helixcode's debs with debian unstable!}) i. I 
never personaly did a fresh install of progeny.. (always a dist-upgrade)... I don't 
recall progeny breaking anything while I used them.. 
if you do use them.. let me know how things go with it.. 

BTW if your wondering where all those bizzar apt sources were found.. check here:
and at www.debianplanet.org

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:02:36PM -0600, FeO wrote:
>  > But I think the real problem with Debian becoming a real mainstream and
>  > widely recognized distribution is that it is harder to get many peripherals
>  > working on it, while Mandrake, Red Hat and Corel make it super easy.
> >It would be great to see some things become easier but I hope Debian (at 
> >least)
> >doesn't try too hard to become any more mainstream than it is. There are real
> >compromises being made in some distributions.
> Actually, has anyone tried Storm Linux?  It's been recommended to me as 
> "essentially Debian with a fancy installer to assist with the basic 
> peripheral installation problems."  Just curious if anyone has any 
> experience with it.
> gabriel
> --always looking for a better mousetrap
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