I have installed Netscape6 and RealPlayer8 on my Linux 2.2.18 system.
The browser is running fine with very few buggy (annoying) behaviour.
The RealPlayer8 opens only when you explicitly enter the URL. I cannot invoke
RealPlayer8 from Netscape6. In the "Edit->Preferences->Application helpers", I
have defined the RealPlayer8 type files. Besides, RealPlayer8 is working only
for audio and not for video. The following are the "Application helpers" that
I have defined.
audio/x-pn-realaudio extensions: ra,rm,ram
audio/X-pn-realaudio-plugin extensions: ra,rm,ram
application/smil extensions: smi
If anyone got Netscape6 and RealPlayer8 to work, please let me know how you
configured these tools.
Thank you in advance.
Subba Rao
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