What did you say your IP address was??

j/k =)

Kath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <rant>
> We have a web based homework assignment doo hickey.
> He has started giving me names of teachers who to participate in it and starts 
>giving me the teachers names and the password HE wants.  And they are absolutely 
>retarded.  If the user's name is Joe Smith, he puts the password down as "joes" or if 
>the user's name is Mary Turnkey "maryt". =O
> We are a hack waiting to happen :|
> At least it isn't actual accounts on the server, just access to one page via 
>PHP/MySQL, but I can imagine the porn popups now when some elementary school kid goes 
>to click on their homework.
> We don't even md5 the passwords, since the teachers are rather forgetful and we like 
>to be able to look up their passwords via the console.  sigh :(
> </rant>
> - Kath the Frustrated
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