Many thanks to all the valuable postings regarding this topic.  It's interesting to 
hear the other war stories and approaches.

I think I just have to take a more involved approach with the team members, get 
everyone deep into it at all levels.  This really *isn't* a hierarchy here, I think 
it's just a matter of getting everyone on the same page (help! I sound like a manager!)

But, in reference to our original topic -- I think I have a larger problem than 
a software methodology that will work.  I think there may be some projects where XP is 
the right approach, and others where UML is more appropriate.  This thread seems to 
have turned into, how to manage a project life-cycle in a way that doesn't burn 
everyone out.  

Even with all the organizational nightmares, I'm still feeling pretty good about 
my first consumer-oriented project live this morning.  


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