On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Terry Yesse wrote: > The parts I'm unsure about: > 1. how to get Linux to write into the Windows partition Compile your kernels with VFAT support, then mount them as a regular drive check out http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Filesystems-HOWTO.html > 2. will just copying the files from an installed windows work? > (how to I get the right stuff into the boot sector etc.?) sort of...copying will work for almost all the files, or did for win95 and I don't know of any reasons it would be different for win98 (though test this before deploying to your whole lab!) you'll want to check out http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Multiboot-with-LILO.htm for getting the right stuff into the boot sector another option would be to use dd to make disk images and then just dd them back as necessary. This works best if every machine has the same set up...if there are minor differences you might be able to write a script to set them up after dding...it depends heavily on the set up and your scripting skils, though ;) > Has anyone done anything like this? Is there a better way? something similiar I've done, that might work well in your environment, is put the windows cab files out on a shared drive then booted linux, mounted the shared rive and copied the files over to a windows-formatted drive, then used the windows install scripting option (I don't remember what it's called...check your docs..if you can't find anything tell me and I'll go see what I can dig up) to install windows...it's reasonably fast and requires minimum human intervention... V. _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk