Sorry if this is grossly off-topic or if its been covered...

I was curious if anyone out there has any thoughts on this particular topic.  I 
work for a consulting firm and we are attempting to turn ourselves into a real 
UML shop, but when I think about it, most of our projects take the XP approach 
(albeit accidentally!)

I say this because more and more, I see our projects become client/deadline 
driven.  The intial functionality we design gets stripped in order to meet 
dates.  Part of me thinks, if we simplify from the very start, maybe we can 
avoid this.  For example, code only the bare minimum functionality needed; 
assume we can always add stuff later; don't create frameworks, etc.  I do UML 
design models like crazy, but so much doesn't get implemented, it almost doesn't 
seem worth it.  But on the other hand, shouldn't a clean framework save you more 
time later? 

Any thoughts?  Does anyone actually use XP as a design approach?


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