ER, true... I don't like beer either... nor do I try to impose on his good
nature by asking the dumbest questions I come up with.

I leave that for YOU GUYS to help me with! LOL!


On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:07:02 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  >> It's so nice to have sysadmin friends. It's like having a doctor in
>  >> the family.
>  > That's true... but I end up owing him a LOT of beer!(:
>  I am so very glad that SAs don't only get paid in beer.  YUCK!!!!
>  Best,
>  Caity
>  (who does too much Systems Admin work in her job... and doesn't like
>  Caitlyn M. Martin             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Systems Analyst              (919) 541-4441
>  Lockheed Martin
>  (a contractor for the US EPA)


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