Shari - 

Supposedly, Win2K isn't an MBR resident.  

My workstation at work is dual-booted (to play Unreal Tournament...) with
LILO in the MBR.  Win2K boots from wherever on the disk it's living -
/dev/sda3 or something.  We've installed Windows first, Linux first,
Windows then linux then reinstall windows 'cause its crap, and mirrored
drives with dd, all with LILO in the MBR.  

You probably want to make sure your lilo.conf file is right.  You can
check the partition of the windows install from fdisk - fdisk /dev/hda

type p to get the table of that disk, and the windows partition is the one
listed HPFS/NTFS.  That should be the listing in your lilo.conf file.

so you'd have a windows listing like




On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Shari wrote:

> Here's hoping some kind soul will help me out....
> I'm running Win2k, using Partition Magic.  I can't seem to get a clean boot into 
> either OS without using the appropriate boot disks.  I can't figure out what's 
> going on.  I'm getting the same errors over and over again (At least I'm 
> consistent!)
> I've given up on BootMagic.  The MBR always gets corrupted, and it never seems to 
> find where I've installed linux.  I've edited lilo.conf to start up win32, but it 
> simply hangs.  I'm not quite sure I have it pointed to the right start up 
> partition.  It also seems LILO is probably the better way to boot up, but I'm 
> nervous about losing my win2k installation if something else is in the MBR.
> I've gone through several permutations on my physical drives.  I've tried creating 
> Linux on its own primary partition, and also 3 logical drive partitions (which, 
> oddly, seems to work the best).
> Anyway ... I'M SO CLOSE!!!  I just need a little direction on how to get these 2 os 
> to coexist peacefully.  I'm trying to avoid reinstalling Win2K if at all possible.
> Any help would be appreciated! ;)
> Shari
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