According to what I have read, the Debian Superrescue CD has native PPA (apparently the name for the zip driver??) support for the zip disk (or something like that). I have booted my puter at home with tomsrtbt before... I have never run an OS from a CD. Now that you put things in perspective to me, it sounds horribly complicated. Especially since I don't have a zip drive at home (but all the computers at school do). I am attaching a list of the hardware (which I hope is readable) of the computer here (just in case it might be useful, and there are any takers). This is one of the labs with slightly different computers. I also have the feeling that this horrible complicated experiment will make me learn something, which is what I ultimately need. To learn. I'll post again later, I am already late for class!!! Maria __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
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g (Cylinders: 80)650 2307 MS n 1050 83 650 2324 B 1 g f 0 g (Sectors Per Track: 18)650 2390 MS n 1050 83 650 2407 B 1 g f 0 g (Bytes Per Sector: 512)650 2473 MS n 400 83 550 2573 B 1 g f 0 g (Drive C:)550 2639 MS n 1150 83 650 2656 B 1 g f 0 g (Type: Fixed disk drive )650 2722 MS n 1500 83 650 2739 B 1 g f 0 g (Total Space: 42822406144 bytes)650 2805 MS n 1400 83 650 2822 B 1 g f 0 g (Free Space: 4368263168 bytes)650 2888 MS n 550 83 650 2905 B 1 g f 0 g (Heads: 255 )650 2971 MS n 750 83 650 2988 B 1 g f 0 g (Cylinders: 2434)650 3054 MS n 1050 83 650 3071 B 1 g f 0 g (Sectors Per Track: 63)650 3137 MS n 1050 83 650 3154 B 1 g f 0 g (Bytes Per Sector: 512)650 3220 MS n 2650 83 450 3320 B 1 g f 0 g (******************** IRQ SUMMARY ********************)450 3386 MS n 900 83 450 3486 B 1 g f 0 g (IRQ Usage Summary:)450 3552 MS n 1200 83 550 3569 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 0 System timer)550 3635 MS n 3350 83 550 3652 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 1 Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard)550 3718 MS n 1900 83 550 3735 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 3 Communications Port \(COM2\))550 3801 MS n 1900 83 550 3818 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 4 Communications Port \(COM1\))550 3884 MS n 2150 83 550 3901 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 6 Standard floppy disk controller)550 3967 MS n 1950 83 550 3984 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 8 System CMOS/real time clock)550 4050 MS n 2150 83 550 4067 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System)550 4133 MS n 2200 83 550 4150 B 1 g f 0 g (\(PCI\) 9 NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))550 4216 MS n 4050 83 550 4233 B 1 g f 0 g (\(PCI\) 9 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller \(3C905C-TX Compatible\))550 4299 MS n 2900 83 550 4316 B 1 g f 0 g (\(PCI\) 9 Intel\(r\) 82801AA USB Universal Host Controller)550 4382 MS n 2800 83 550 4399 B 1 g f 0 g (\(PCI\) 9 AC'97 Driver for Intel\(r\) 82801AA Controller)550 4465 MS n 2250 83 550 4482 B 1 g f 0 g (\(PCI\) 10 Intel\(r\) 82801AA SMBus Controller)550 4548 MS n 2600 83 550 4565 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 12 Microsoft PS/2 Port Mouse \(IntelliPoint\))550 4631 MS n 1700 83 550 4648 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 13 Numeric data processor)550 4714 MS n 1550 83 550 4731 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 14 Primary IDE Channel)550 4797 MS n 1650 83 550 4814 B 1 g f 0 g (\(ISA\) 15 Secondary IDE Channel)550 4880 MS n 2950 83 450 4980 B 1 g f 0 g (******************** DMA USAGE SUMMARY ********************)450 5046 MS n 900 83 450 5146 B 1 g f 0 g (DMA Usage Summary:)450 5212 MS n 1850 83 550 5229 B 1 g f 0 g ( 2 Standard floppy disk controller)550 5295 MS n 1850 83 550 5312 B 1 g f 0 g ( 4 Direct memory access controller)550 5378 MS n 2800 83 450 5478 B 1 g f 0 g (******************** MEMORY SUMMARY ********************)450 5544 MS n 1050 83 450 5644 B 1 g f 0 g (Memory Usage Summary:)450 5710 MS n 1750 83 550 5727 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000000 - 0009FFFF] System board)550 5793 MS n 1500 83 550 5810 B 1 g f 0 g ([000A0000 - 000BFFFF] PCI bus)550 5876 MS n 3250 83 650 5893 B 1 g f 0 g ([000A0000 - 000BFFFF] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 5959 MS n 2750 83 750 5976 B 1 g f 0 g ([000A0000 - 000BFFFF] NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))750 6042 MS n 1500 83 550 6059 B 1 g f 0 g ([000C8000 - 000DFFFF] PCI bus)550 6125 MS showpage %%Page: 2 2 13 779.762 translate 72 600 div dup neg scale 0 0 transform .25 add round .25 sub exch .25 add round .25 sub exch itransform translate [82.996 0 0 -82.996 0 0]/Courier MF n 1800 83 450 332 B 1 g f 0 g (System Resource Report - Page: 2)450 398 MS n 1750 83 550 498 B 1 g f 0 g ([000F0000 - 000FFFFF] System board)550 564 MS n 1750 83 550 581 B 1 g f 0 g ([00100000 - 00FFFFFF] System board)550 647 MS n 1750 83 550 664 B 1 g f 0 g ([01000000 - 07F9DFFF] System board)550 730 MS n 1500 83 550 747 B 1 g f 0 g ([40000000 - FFDFFFFF] PCI bus)550 813 MS n 3250 83 650 830 B 1 g f 0 g ([F0000000 - F3FFFFFF] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 896 MS n 3250 83 650 913 B 1 g f 0 g ([F4000000 - F5FFFFFF] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 979 MS n 2750 83 750 996 B 1 g f 0 g ([F4000000 - F5FFFFFF] NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))750 1062 MS gs n 4239 83 650 1079 CB n 4600 83 650 1079 B 1 g f 0 g ([FAFFFC00 - FAFFFC7F] 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller \(3C905C-TX Compatible\))650 1145 MS gr n 3250 83 650 1162 B 1 g f 0 g ([FC000000 - FDFFFFFF] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 1228 MS n 2750 83 750 1245 B 1 g f 0 g ([FC000000 - FCFFFFFF] NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))750 1311 MS n 1750 83 650 1328 B 1 g f 0 g ([FEC00000 - FEC0FFFF] System board)650 1394 MS n 1750 83 650 1411 B 1 g f 0 g ([FEE00000 - FEE0FFFF] System board)650 1477 MS n 4200 83 650 1494 B 1 g f 0 g ([FFB00000 - FFBFFFFF] Intel\(r\) 82802 Firmware Hub Device \(Intel\(r\) Security Driver\))650 1560 MS n 1750 83 550 1577 B 1 g f 0 g ([FFC00000 - FFFFFFFF] System board)550 1643 MS n 2850 83 450 1743 B 1 g f 0 g (******************** IO PORT SUMMARY ********************)450 1809 MS n 1200 83 450 1909 B 1 g f 0 g (I/O Ports Usage Summary:)450 1975 MS n 1500 83 550 1992 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000000 - 00000CF7] PCI bus)550 2058 MS n 2700 83 650 2075 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000000 - 0000001F] Direct memory access controller)650 2141 MS n 2800 83 650 2158 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000020 - 0000003F] Programmable interrupt controller)650 2224 MS n 1750 83 650 2241 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000040 - 0000005F] System timer)650 2307 MS n 3900 83 650 2324 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000060 - 00000060] Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard)650 2390 MS n 1850 83 650 2407 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000061 - 00000061] System speaker)650 2473 MS n 1750 83 650 2490 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000062 - 00000063] System board)650 2556 MS n 3900 83 650 2573 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000064 - 00000064] Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard)650 2639 MS n 1750 83 650 2656 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000065 - 0000006F] System board)650 2722 MS n 2500 83 650 2739 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000070 - 0000007F] System CMOS/real time clock)650 2805 MS n 2700 83 650 2822 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000080 - 0000009F] Direct memory access controller)650 2888 MS n 2800 83 650 2905 B 1 g f 0 g ([000000A0 - 000000BF] Programmable interrupt controller)650 2971 MS n 2700 83 650 2988 B 1 g f 0 g ([000000C0 - 000000DF] Direct memory access controller)650 3054 MS n 1750 83 650 3071 B 1 g f 0 g ([000000E0 - 000000EF] System board)650 3137 MS n 2250 83 650 3154 B 1 g f 0 g ([000000F0 - 000000FF] Numeric data processor)650 3220 MS n 2200 83 650 3237 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000170 - 00000177] Secondary IDE Channel)650 3303 MS n 2100 83 650 3320 B 1 g f 0 g ([000001F0 - 000001F7] Primary IDE Channel)650 3386 MS n 2200 83 650 3403 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000274 - 00000277] ISAPNP Read Data Port)650 3469 MS n 2200 83 650 3486 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000279 - 00000279] ISAPNP Read Data Port)650 3552 MS n 2450 83 650 3569 B 1 g f 0 g ([000002F8 - 000002FF] Communications Port \(COM2\))650 3635 MS n 2200 83 650 3652 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000376 - 00000376] Secondary IDE Channel)650 3718 MS n 2300 83 650 3735 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000378 - 0000037F] ECP Printer Port \(LPT1\))650 3801 MS n 3250 83 650 3818 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003B0 - 000003BB] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 3884 MS n 2750 83 750 3901 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003B0 - 000003BB] NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))750 3967 MS n 3250 83 650 3984 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003C0 - 000003DF] Intel\(r\) 82820 Processor to AGP Controller)650 4050 MS n 2750 83 750 4067 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003C0 - 000003DF] NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 \(Dell\))750 4133 MS n 2700 83 650 4150 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003F0 - 000003F5] Standard floppy disk controller)650 4216 MS n 2100 83 650 4233 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003F6 - 000003F6] Primary IDE Channel)650 4299 MS n 2700 83 650 4316 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003F7 - 000003F7] Standard floppy disk controller)650 4382 MS n 2450 83 650 4399 B 1 g f 0 g ([000003F8 - 000003FF] Communications Port \(COM1\))650 4465 MS n 2800 83 650 4482 B 1 g f 0 g ([000004D0 - 000004D1] Programmable interrupt controller)650 4548 MS n 2300 83 650 4565 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000778 - 0000077F] ECP Printer Port \(LPT1\))650 4631 MS n 1750 83 650 4648 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000800 - 0000085F] System board)650 4714 MS n 1750 83 650 4731 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000860 - 000008FF] System board)650 4797 MS n 2200 83 650 4814 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000A79 - 00000A79] ISAPNP Read Data Port)650 4880 MS n 1750 83 650 4897 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000C00 - 00000C7F] System board)650 4963 MS n 1500 83 550 4980 B 1 g f 0 g ([00000D00 - 0000FFFF] PCI bus)550 5046 MS n 3350 83 650 5063 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000D800 - 0000D8FF] AC'97 Driver for Intel\(r\) 82801AA Controller)650 5129 MS n 3350 83 650 5146 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000DC80 - 0000DCBF] AC'97 Driver for Intel\(r\) 82801AA Controller)650 5212 MS n 2800 83 650 5229 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000DCD0 - 0000DCDF] Intel\(r\) 82801AA SMBus Controller)650 5295 MS gs n 4239 83 650 5312 CB n 4600 83 650 5312 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000EC80 - 0000ECFF] 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller \(3C905C-TX Compatible\))650 5378 MS gr n 3450 83 650 5395 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000FF80 - 0000FF9F] Intel\(r\) 82801AA USB Universal Host Controller)650 5461 MS n 3250 83 650 5478 B 1 g f 0 g ([0000FFA0 - 0000FFAF] Intel\(r\) 82801AA Bus Master IDE Controller)650 5544 MS n 3000 83 450 5644 B 1 g f 0 g (******************** SYSTEM DEVICE INFO ********************)450 5710 MS n 1950 83 450 5810 B 1 g f 0 g (Class: Universal Serial Bus controllers)450 5876 MS n 2700 83 450 5893 B 1 g f 0 g (Device: Intel\(r\) 82801AA USB Universal Host Controller)450 5959 MS n 450 83 450 5976 B 1 g f 0 g (Resource:)450 6042 MS n 750 83 550 6059 B 1 g f 0 g (IRQ: [00000009])550 6125 MS showpage %%Page: 3 3 13 779.762 translate 72 600 div dup neg scale 0 0 transform .25 add round .25 sub exch .25 add round .25 sub exch itransform translate [82.996 0 0 -82.996 0 0]/Courier MF n 1800 83 450 332 B 1 g f 0 g (System Resource Report - Page: 3)450 398 MS n 1250 83 550 498 B 1 g f 0 g (IO: [0000FF80 - 0000FF9F])550 564 MS PageSV restore %%Trailer %%DocumentNeededFonts: %%+ Courier %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: end 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