On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, TiMoNeiRa wrote:
> I didn't become a translator after I got my B.Sc., I'm now doing the
> engineering part of the translation of software, websites, multimedia,
> etc... (localisation). There's this left/right hemisphere myth, and I
> always thought it was an asset that I could go both ways, but lately in
> searching for a job outside of localisation, I find I need justify myself.
> People don't know what localisation is, what the tasks are, and only see
> that I'm not a programmer but a linguist. So I've been thinking, maybe I
> should learn some programming, find a job that will give me some
> programming experience, take some programming courses, to finally get 'peer
> recognition', but would this mean starting from scratch again,
> career-wise..? I'm a senior localisation engineer now and a team lead, I
> lead most of the projects that I work on and have quite a bit of
> responsibility for 3 years of experience. I intend to start an MBA next year.
[rest deletia]
Hi Roberta,
On a somewhat related note, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the
O'Reilly "lex & yacc" book. Given your background in both
linguistics/translation and programming I think you'll find it
particularly interesting. I picked up a copy for myself a couple of weeks
back and have been finding it quite interesting; it's giving me some ideas
for some alternate shell environments and file systems...
Anything to do with information theory may be of interest too - it's a lot
heavier on the math & stats content than "regular" programming courses,
but IMHO well worth the effort. Cryptography, compression and error
detection+correction algorithms fall under this category of study.
Information theory is what makes sites/technology like Babelfish
(http://www.babelfish.org/) possible.
Andrew Plumb, VE3SLG
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