On Tuesday 13 March 2001 00:33, you wrote:
> Hi
> thanks to being pointed in the right direction here, I did lots of reading
> and now have x and KDE running on my debian install.
> One teeny problem is that I cant get this monitor to run at anything more
> than 640x480 despite it being able to do up to 1024x768, i'd like it at
> 800x600 but everything I try it just won't start the x server
> Any pointers? I've always used redhat and it probed the card and always got
> the res right so I dont really know what settings it should be at.
> Rachel Andrew
> http://www.rachelandrew.co.uk
> i know there is strength in the differences between us and i know there is
> comfort where we overlap - ani difranco
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It might be that your monitor's Vsync and Hsync is not correct. You won't get
higher resolution if you refresh rates aren't right. Maybe you still have the
monitor's manual? Otherwise I found that it's usually safe to use Hsync:
31.5-54 and Vsync: 50-100. You can hot edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config file and
add it there.
Hope this helps
Charl Pretorius
Network Admin
+27 12 362 2926
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