On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 12:51:02PM -0500 or thereabouts, Anthony Russello wrote:
> Does anyone here know if mozilla is capable of viewing secure 128 bit
> encrypted sites?
> I've been trying to use it to view certain sites, and I just get an error
> statng that the connection was refused. Meanwhile, I can view those sites
> in Netscape (blah).
May depend what version of Mozilla you're using. Until a few months ago,
it came with the capability, but you had to download and install PSM
(personal security manager) separately (with debug->install PSM off the
menu along the top). I found a nightly that worked perfectly for my needs
almost all the time and stopped grabbing nightlies then. But I know that
PSM now comes with Mozilla.
With Mozilla and that PSM stuff, there used to be a couple of sites you
could visit to check it was working. I would generally check by going to
http://fortify.net and testing it worked on that; if then it started
playing up on other sites, it was bugzilla time :)
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