I have a rather stupid problem. Exceedingly stupid considering that I
now work for SuSE...
but to get to the point.
I need to replace the red hat 6.2 on my box with suse 7.1 pro for work
reasons (otherwise id just upgrade to RH7). The problem is that I don't
have a CD-ROM drive on my computer so I'd need to install from the
CD-ROM on the server. My husband says swapping a CD-ROM into my box is
not an option (he is king of the system) but neither of us knows how to
install remotely.
Does anyone have any advice?
Also I am going to try to conquer this stuff generally on my own wiht
just a little backup from my hubby. So any general tips for a new
install of SuSE would be appreciated (esp. re getting a wacom working).
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