On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 09:47:20PM +0100 or thereabouts, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have much experience with dailup connections but anyway..
Me neither, alas.
> Some questions :
> Thirdly, isn't there a tool for verifying the installation and installed
> packages in RH? If you think that the problem began by the installation
> procedure which crashed it might help isolation the faulty package,
> downloading it from the internet and reinstalling it.
> If there isn't you can always use the rpm command at the console.
"rpm -V packagename" is it. If you get nothing, and just your prompt
back, there were no errors. If you get letters separated by dots, there's
a problem:
5 -- md5 sum D -- device
S -- file size (common with score files :)) U -- user
L -- symlink G -- group
T -- mtime M -- mode (permissions, file type)
It also runs in my mind, looking at the original question again, that
there were problems with ppp-related packages in RH 6.x. I believe
updates came out for wvdial and rp3 (RH's gnome-based PPP configuration
too). Get those updates, definitely. Either head for your favourite
mirror and get the latest versions from the 6.2 directory, or look
at the 6.2 security advisories, bug fixes and package enhancements,
all found on links off http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/ (a URL
well worth bookmarking).
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