Is there some series of commands I can enter at a shell prompt to
dynamically change the title bar of an XTerm session?
I already know the basics of how to change the titlebar as described in
the bash-how-to, and have experimented with various changes in my
/etc/bashrc file, including getting the titlebar to dynamically display
the last few folder names of my current working directory. But I
!@#$% I didn't even finish typing and I've already solved my own
TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\$(echo \$PROJ)\007\]'
PS1="${TITLEBAR}[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
now I can export PROJ to any new value at any time and dynamically
change my XTerm titlebar.
-- d
ps - I sent my question (and answer) anyway, more for my own records.
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