Heya --

> I am interested to do CCNA.

     Okay, for that my recommendation would be to first learn TCP/IP. 
Router stuff makes a lot more sense if you understand how the
underlying protocols work.  If you've already got that under your belt,
look at the Sybex-published Todd Lammle-authored CCNA book.  There's a
$50 large book and a $25 study guide that goes along with it.  It
explains how routers work in simple and understandable terms, and is
pretty thorough.

     That said, don't trust all of Sybex's books.  When I was doing my
CCNP, a few of their books (the LAN switching and the Internetwork
Troubleshooting in particular) bore little to no resemblance to what
was actually on the exams.

     Once you've got some of the Cisco-speak under your belt, then find
a position where you can practice.  Practice is really what hammers it
into your head.

> I am not sure wether WAN/routers are part of the CCNA course or not.

     Yah.  CCNA is Cisco's first level certification for how to
configure and maintain their routers.  (Look at
http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/10/wwtraining/certprog/ for
information on Cisco's certification programs and what they mean.) 
Knowledge of WAN issues and telephony will help you immensely on the
job, but telephony knowledge is not covered on the current incarnation
of the CCNA exam.

     The Cisco interface is fairly similar to *nix, so if you have
Linux familiarity already, that can only help you.

     If you're further interested or have any more questions, feel free
to e-mail me offlist about it (I think we're getting a bit off topic
for a Linux list).


"And baby, when we're load-balancing coast to coast,
 I'll route your packets, if you'll switch my host."
 -- the Technology Torch Song, by the deeply disturbed Crayola

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