Heya --

Quoth Phil:
> This is one of those little annoying things that have been bugging me
> lately.  Using Mandrake 7.2 I find that ftp takes at least 15 to 20
> seconds after connect to get the prompt going into the box.  Does
> anyone have any idea as to why and where I may make changes?

     In addition to Stephanie's excellent suggestions...

     I've run into this before with wu-ftp and Red Hat.  In my case,
the problem was that wu-ftp was trying to do a DNS lookup on the IP
before allowing the connection.  DNS on that particular network was not
running (internal corporate network), and so you had to wait for wu-ftp
to attempt the lookup and time out before it would allow the
connection.  If your Ident lookup is blocked by a firewall or disabled
(port 113), that can also cause a ten-second delay.

     DNS-lookup-behaviour is set at compile time -- it's an option you
can pass the configure script.


"But you're the corporate whore!"
"Well, what are you then, Miss CCNP?  Hmmm?"
[triumphantly] "A Corporate Courtesan Network Professional!"
 -- RavenBlack and I, talking about how to turn, er, a dime.

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