to the person who wrote with the pokey ftp on mandrake, i'd try checking for 
roadblocks during authentication.  take a look at /var/log/messages and see if it's 
giving you several messages before actually giving you a prompt or responding to what 
you tell it.  if you're using pam (i think mandrake does) you might be going through a 
series of stuff that maybe you don't need or is erroring out for some reason.  check 
the messages and then check /etc/pam.d/ftp to see what the chain of events is supposed 
to be, and see if you can match up the events and find out where the delay is, and 
start testing them one at time.  You probably already tried ftping from the box to the 
box (i.e. ftp from the box you're trying to get to) to rule out networking stuff, and 
i rely heavily on strace (records system calls) to find out goofy stuff.  i run it on 
top of the command and send the output to a "strace -o /tmp/strace.out ftp 

good luck
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