
All the web developers out there may find this interesting.

I have had a quick squizzy at www.onlamp.com and I think it's a great 
starting point for those web applications that run on Linux servers.

All the best


News from the O'Reilly Network:
O'Reilly Network Launches ONLamp.com
February 1, 2001
Promotes Optimized, Integrated Use of Linux, Apache, MySQL and Scripting 

O'Reilly Network has launched ONLamp.com, a web site promoting the 
integrated use of several high-performance open source technologies used 
for web development. The new site is being shown at LinuxWorld Expo in New 
York this week.

LAMP is an acronym describing a suite of powerful web development tools: 
Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, Perl, or Python. O'Reilly Network has 
previously focused on these technologies individually, and now has
brought them together in one location to save time for developers.

ONLamp.com will provide articles and resources related to web site 
performance, development, security, Linux/BSD system administration, Apache 
installation, Linux multimedia, and MySQL data management.

The new site will feature developers/writers such as Noel Davis writing the 
Linux Security Alerts column, Dave Phillips finding ingenious ways to 
enhance Linux performance, and long-time PHP web developer Darrell

Derrick Story will manage the ONLamp editorial content, and Chris Coleman, 
Open Source Editor, will work with developers to deliver a steady stream of 
cutting-edge technology articles.

ONLamp's reference section will include such resources as a directory of 
important LAMP-related products, helpful tutorials, in-depth columns by 
experts, industry analysis, and audio roundtables on key

The term LAMP originated in Germany and is gaining currency among North 
American developers as a shorthand for the suite of tools that serious open 
source web developers use.

While the acronym LAMP is relatively new, its technologies are not. For 
example, IDC reports that Linux is currently used by 20 million people 
worldwide. Apache is the most popular web server (source: Netcraft survey). 
MySQL.com, reflecting the popularity of the database software's use, 
receives 8.7 million of page views per month.

Heavily-visited sites such as Amazon.com have long relied on Perl and a 
host of other open source technologies. All of the O'Reilly and O'Reilly 
Network sites, receiving a combined total of more than 3 million unique 
visitors per month, also rely on the LAMP technologies.

As the premier provider of open source books, online  information and 
technical conferences, O'Reilly has long been respected for its expertise 
and support of these popular open source technologies. The O'Reilly Network 
team, like O'Reilly & Associates' book publishing team, is experienced at 
providing reliable, useful information, as well as finding and recruiting 
leaders in the technical community to share their expertise with O'Reilly 

Jacqueline McNally
Decisions and Designs Pty Ltd
Software and electronic design and documentation (paper and online)
PO Box 8039, South Perth 6151, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9474 3021, Fax: +61 8 9474 3405
Web: <http://www.decisions-and-designs.com.au>

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