Actually the A+ cert. is a good reflection of what a PC mechanic needs to
know. I know 'cause I have it. There are no trivial questions. See for the latest

As it is a multiple-choice test, it is not as rigorous as a hands-on exam,
but you have to know your stuff, you can't guess the right answers. The best
self-study exam prep is Mike Meyers' A+ Certification Exam Guide.  In fact I
recommend it as a good all-around how-to book.

Some employers value it, some don't. Either way it is a meaningful
certification, you have to understand PCs very well to pass it.
Carla Schroder
Ace PC Goddess
Plain English spoken here

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary P. Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: [techtalk] Re; A+ Certification

> Genny asks:
>  > This might be a stupid newbie question,but what all is
>  > included in A+?DOS, and what else? Sorry if its a dumb
>  > question.I just wondered. Thanks.
> Not a stupid question at all!  My still-fairly-new-to-the-industry
> understanding is this:
> Theoretically, it's a PC Tech exam, designed to say to the
> world (and to prospective employers), "Hey!  I can diagnose
> your PCs hardware woes, fix it, and/or jury-rig you a new
> one ... all in my sleep!"  It is mostly hardware and DOS
> issues (since the people who make up the A+ test have
> yet to realize that DOS is not the only tool with which to
> diagnose a PC.
> Realistically, I'm told it is largely made up of useless trivia,
> like "How often should you clean a keyboard?" ("As often
> as I spill my Ramen Noodles on it?").  Hence the need to
> buy a study guide, so you'll know what kind of useless
> trivia is found on it.
> But, it looks good on a resume.
> - Mary
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