Ok, dumb question :)

I'm on Corel, which I know is a Debian based distro, but how the hell do 
I upgrade to KDE2?

I tried apt-get install task-kde, but I get a ton of errors that it 
couldn't find certain packages.  And when I look at the packages to 
build from source, I have no clue what to do (I hate compiling, I always 
b0rk it).

Any help would be appreciated :)

- Kath the Slow :D

Kristin Ziel wrote:

> I'm using KMail as well..and am pretty happy with it.  Make sure that
> you're using KDE2 to get the latest greatest kmail client.  I am not sure
> if kmail with KDE1 supported multiple clients or not, but the newer kmail
> has many more cool widgets, and I like that i can stack my folder level
> now too...
> Kristin
>> What is a good email client for Linux (KDE in Corel)?
>> I need one that is basically MS Outlook Express.  I haven't been able to 
>> find one that lets me have mutliple accounts with unique pop and smtp 
>> servers.  Also, Mozilla (M18 .deb) won't check every single email 
>> account that I have, I have to do them all uniquely, but it will 
>> autocheck them every few minutes, like it told it to.
>> - Kath
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