On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 08:31:43AM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Kath thought:
> Anyone know a good howto on setting up a DNS server? Have any tips?
I used a whole bunch of HOWTOs for my home network including the DNS
HOWTO. I set up a caching DNS with zones for my home network but, AFAIK,
if you have public IP addresses for your 3rd level domains, you'll need to
delve further.
> What I want is that workstations on my network have it specified as
> their DNS server.
> Also so I can assign 3rd level domain names with unique IPs
> (so dumby.kathweb.net points to one place and foobar.kathweb.net points
> to someplace else).
> Any help here? I looked at the docs at linuxdoc.org and got a bit
> confused as to what to do. Should I compile from source? Use a binary
> (I'm using Debian)? Should I put the DNS server behind my firewall or
> run it on the firewall (The firewall is a masquerading box)?
I'm using an old 486 as ip masq firewall and router and have the DNS on
the P200 server.
> - Kath the Very Confused
You mean Kath the shortly to become even more confused!! :-)
Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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